What is Reiki ?
Why do We think that reiki is a spiritual discipline ?
Goal of any spiritual practice is to achieve inner happiness and peace.
- Most of the spiritual practices requires lot of time, practice, are difficult to learn and time consuming. They are less suitable for Modern Age as life is hectic and people find it hard to dedicate time to follow spiritual practices.
- Reiki answers the question on how do we manage the modern life and still pursue spiritual practice.
- Reiki can be practiced at any time of the day, at any place, and in any condition. It has no special requirements for practicing. As long as one do the process, he or she will receive the benefit.
- Reiki can be practiced by any person with any religious belief. It is avaialble to all.
- Reiki is the simplest method which brings peace and happiness to our lives.
- Your inner happiness and peace will reflect in your environment and in physical body as well. Physical healing is a byproduct of the Reiki Practice.
And why reiki is a holistic healing system ?
- Healing has a diffrent meaning when it comes to Reiki. Here, healing means transition. It means tranformation.
- Reiki transforms oneself completely from root. The process of transition is a subtle yet beautyful journey towards total transformation.
What are these transitions ?
Transition From Dis-Ease To Ease
Transition From Instability To Stability
Transition From Rigidity To Flexibility
Transition From Reactions To Actions
Transition From Confusion To Clarity
Transition From Darkness To Light
Transition From Hate to Love
Transition From Dullness to Enthusiasm
Transition From Ignorance to Wisdom and Knowledge - As you can see here, it helps in all areas of life and tranforms them to the best possible state. Transforming these aspects will bring Health, Happiness and Harmony to one's life.
What is the process ?
- One needs to attend Reiki Seminar in order to practice Reiki.
- Each seminar has its own rhythm and it brings different things in play. So, come with open mind and see where it leads.
- During the seminar, you will learn how to practice Reiki for yourself and how to give it to someone else.
After attending the seminar, your practice starts.
There are 3 different levels in Reiki practice.
- Reiki 1st Degree
- Reiki 2nd Degree
- Reiki Master
Frequently Asked Questions
Reiki is a Japanese name of a healing technique.
It has been derived from two Japanese words, “Rei” and “Ki”. “Rei” means- universal and “Ki” means the life force or energy, hence Reiki means- universal life force energy.
Reiki corrects the imbalance of energy in physical, mental, and emotional levels and finally makes you whole. Hence it is called holistic system of healing.
Reiki treatment is performed by laying hands on the recipient's body. The energy radiates from the healer's palms into recipient's body, dissolving or removing any blockages, replenishes deficiencies, and restores balance in energetic, physical and emotional levels and thereby making the recipient's existence whole again.
We need to understand this in little more details.
What is Chronic condition or disease ?
From energetic point of view, it is a chronic deficiency or blockage of the energy flow that occurs naturally.
Reiki works by removing blockages and replenishing energy deficiencies.
According to this principle, it can heal chronic diseases.
We also need to consider what is meant by healing as well.
In this context, it means being whole again. One can be whole at spiritual, physical or mental / emotional level or at all of these levels. Depending upon one's own stage of development, one can reach a certain level of healing.
How do we know at what development stage a person is ?
We cannot know this unless we have reached a very high level of spirituality. Even then, it cannot be accurate as the spiritual development is a constantly evolving, dynamic phenomena and it never stays at one particular level. So, healing at one point may be achievable but as the situation changes, the healing requirement may change as well.
Is there a way out of this ?
Yes, that is the beauty of Reiki healing system. It provides what is needed at any particular moment of time. It provides necessary healing energy according to the need of the situation. And makes that situation whole.
What does all of these mean ? What is the bottom line ?
Reiki provides what is needed to make the situation whole at any given time. Only limitation is that our awareness of the situation is very limited and it may or may not make sense of what happens during Reiki session. So, one should not analyze the results too much and try to be with the flow. Let it take us where it needs to take us.
In our experience so far, Reiki has provided what is best for everyone involved in any given situation. It may not be evident at that particular moment, but when we think back later on, everything falls into place as we become aware of a long term effect. Just need to be patient and stay in the flow of Reiki.
Being in the practice is most important.